Revision history for puppy529

Revision [21437]

Last edited on 2012-04-28 07:07:58 by darkcity [ kernel]
Three-Headed Dog is not the successor to Lucid 5.2.8. Rather it is an experiment, using a newer kernel - That is why it is luci instead of lupu, so it doesn't accidentally overwrite someone's Lucid. I also put it into Puppy Derivatives for that reason. Please do not use Lucid updates for Three-Headed Dog. ALSA version 1.0.23.
Three-Headed Dog is not the successor to Lucid 5.2.8. Rather it is an experiment, using a newer kernel. That is why it is luci instead of lupu, so it doesn't accidentally overwrite someone's Lucid. I also put it into Puppy Derivatives for that reason. Please do not use Lucid updates for Three-Headed Dog. ALSA version 1.0.23.

Revision [21436]

Edited on 2012-04-28 07:07:13 by darkcity [ALSA version]
Three-Headed Dog is not the successor to Lucid 5.2.8. Rather it is an experiment, using a newer kernel. That is why it is luci instead of lupu, so it doesn't accidentally overwrite someone's Lucid. I also put it into Puppy Derivatives for that reason. Please do not use Lucid updates for Three-Headed Dog. ALSA version 1.0.23.
Three-Headed Dog is not the successor to Lucid 5.2.8. Rather it is an experiment, using a newer kernel. That is why it is luci instead of lupu, so it doesn't accidentally overwrite someone's Lucid. I also put it into Puppy Derivatives for that reason. Please do not use Lucid updates for Three-Headed Dog.

Revision [20108]

Edited on 2012-01-03 20:03:16 by darkcity [ALSA version]
{{image width="150" url="" title="logo" alt="logo"}}

Revision [20107]

Edited on 2012-01-03 20:02:18 by darkcity [ALSA version]
====Puppy 5.29 Lucid Three-Headed-Dog====
Three-Headed Dog is not the successor to Lucid 5.2.8. Rather it is an experiment, using a newer kernel. That is why it is luci instead of lupu, so it doesn't accidentally overwrite someone's Lucid. I also put it into Puppy Derivatives for that reason. Please do not use Lucid updates for Three-Headed Dog.
==More information==
[[ Three-Headed Dog thread]]
====Puppy 5.28 Lucid====
//The fastest, friendliest, and most fun Lucid yet.//
LASTEST UPDATE **[[ Lucid Puppy 5.2.8 - Updated ISO Version 004 - DEC 19 2011 thread]]**
{{image url="" title="5.28 Lucid" alt="5.28 Lucid" width="300"}}
(click for [[ fullsize]])
Puppy 5.2.8 is the latest version of Lucid - ubuntu based. Lucid 5.2.8 is a mature, well-tested product with a nice set of usability features, a good amount of available software, and a supportive user base. It precedes [[Puppy53 Puppy 5.3 Slacko]] the latest official version of Puppy.
The Lucid series runs from Puppy 5.00 - 5.29. [[Pets Package]] compatibility across this range is good.
**[[Playdayz]]** is the coordinator of Lucid, see [[LucidDevelopers developer list]].
[[ Flash bug update]]
[[ Install 528 from Windows download]]
==Upgrade to Slacko?==
{{color text="Puppy 5.3 Slacko is Slackware based" c="red"}} It is not possible to just 'upgrade' to Slacko. To use Slack requires a new install or live run from DVD required, [[Puppy53 see Slacko page]].
**Puppy standard**
Here is the current version of the Updated ISO (004).
Fast download -> [[ lupu-528.004.iso]]
Slow download -> [[ lupu-528.004.iso]]
md5 checksum -> 4d8c53f27d605775b1791fb32791c704
**Lucid Alternate**
Alternate 528.004 has the [[Iron]] browser installed, along with Flashplayer and the Xorg_High hardware acceleration (mesa/glx) drivers. Starts up and renders pages significantly faster than the other browsers in testing.
004 Alternate -> [[ lupu-528.004-alt.iso]]
md5 checksum -> e7019c68db971eb0b9ae502ff0e14f1d
**Compiling and Development**
Install [[devx]] to add developer tools-
Development Add-on (devx) -> [[ lupu_devx_528-4.sfs]]
md5 checksum -> bf14b9eea9d67ad2f58dd11dc15832f7
**Optional Upgrades**
[[PMusic PMusic 2.2.2]] Provides the dependencies for Pmusic to version 2.2.2, and then further updates can be downloaded from the pmusic thread [[ download]]
[[Sylpheed Sylpheed 3.1.2]] [[ download]]
[[Dillo Dillo 3.0.1]] [[ download]]
[[SFSLoad SFS-Load 1.3.]] Load more sfs's on the fly. [[ SFS-Load thread]]
==More Features==
- smokey01's [[PuppyHelp101 Puppy Help 101]] go to [[Puppymenu]] > 'Document' > Puppy Help 101
- i686 [[libc]] - Lucid should run just a bit quicker
- [[report-video-glx]] for diagnosing video issues
- [[ffconvert]] to convert between video formats
- more wallpapers and themes
- hardware detection and configuration routines improved
- [[
Additional and enhanced drivers]]
==Installation Help==
- [[LiveDVD Creating a bootable DVD/CD]]
- [[ Dual boot with Windows]]
- [[ Install to a Live CD]]
- [[ Install to a USB flash drive]]
- [[ Frugal install to a hard drive]]
- [[ Full install to a hard drive]]
- [[LucidHelp HELP]] I need somebody
- [[ Lucid Help]] also available from Quickpet
- [[ Absolute beginners info]]
- [[ Getting Started with Puppy Linux]] with David "Pa" ""McClamrock""
- [[Lucid525FirstRun Lobster first run setup]]
- [[LucidTutorialAddSoftware Add Software]] Quickpet, [[LucidPuppySFS SFS]], Puppy Package Manager ([[ PPM]])
- [[LucidTutorialDevx]] Compiling and developing in Lucid
- [[ Change your desktop]] video
- [[ Using a directory of wallpaper images]] video
- [[Puppy52LuciInstallFrugalHDD Frugal Install to hard disk]]
- [[ How-To Videos & Articles]]
- [[Puppy52LuciTips General 5.2 Tips]]
- [[Puppy52LuciTipsLowMemory Low Memory]] Personal Storage file
- [[ Tweaks]] also available from Quickpet
- [[ Mtpaint mouse scroll zoom]] (video)
- Openbox cpu monitor = Desktop setting -> fbpanel config -> plugins -> General OK
- [[ Use Winkey on keyboard]]
- [[ Latest LibreOffice]] for your language
- [[ adding KDE interface]]
- [[ Converting media]] eg. ASF to AVI

Revision [20106]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2012-01-03 20:00:11 by darkcity [ALSA version]
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