Revision [30397]
This is an old revision of tahrpup made by darkcity on 2014-10-28 11:50:37.
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HomePage > PuppyVersionIndex Puppy Version > Puppy6/Upup

tahrpup 6.0 CE
Tahrpup is an official community edition (CE) of Puppy Linux, built from ubuntu 14.04 LTS trusty tahr packages, 3.14.20 kernel, this means it is a Upup. This versions development has been lead by 666philb. Includes all the latest fixes and improvements from the 'woof CE testing branch'.
Save to folder, easy kernel swapping, suspend to ram, quickpet, palemoon, vlc, deadbeef, qt, python, getflash, rightclick options, listDD, copyfast, samba tng, battery alarm, libhal fix, vdpau drivers, bash fix, frisbee fix.
Includes JWM, parcellite, mtpaint, sylpheed, geany, asunder, mhwaveedit, ffconvert, pavrecord, pburn, urxvt, abiword, grub4dos, isomaster, pfind, psync, sfsload and more.
Developers, contributors and Testers
barryk, 01micko, shinobar, mavrothal, giro, rcrsn51, zigbert sfr, peebee, wjaguar, jamesc, billtoo, musher0, don570, wyzguy, radky, sszindiian, live, BKjohnson, brownmouse, pemasu and anyone forgotten.
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