Revision history for terminal

Revision [32095]

Last edited on 2018-09-19 14:17:35 by PageStep007

Revision [32094]

Edited on 2018-09-19 14:16:53 by PageStep007

Revision [32093]

Edited on 2018-09-19 14:16:22 by PageStep007
==What is a Terminal?==
A terminal is a program which has a window when it is opened. It is much like the old DOS system of windows. Commands are typed line by line. and executed.
They are also known as shells, command line, and consoles.
there are a list of commands that the program recognizes. They may be Ash , Bash, commands

Revision [32090]

Edited on 2018-09-19 13:37:01 by PageStep007
{{redirect target="commandline"}}
The 'Terminal' is also known as the 'Console' 'shell' or command line.
It is a text window where commands can be executed with keywords (words that the system knows) ie:commands.
It is a lot like the old DOS in windows. (The command prompt - the letter 'C' in that blank window of the scary internal workings of the operating system where the average person never goes.)
Most of linux was done with these written commands in the past, but fortunately more Gui/ UI/Graphical User interfaces are being used as cosmetic 'front ends' visual controls that operate the written code behind the scenes while being more general-public user friendly.
Most of the Puppies have these consoles/terminals. They are needed when you come to compiling a program,or try and find out why a program is not working because it does not have all the dependencies (files that the program depends on) on the system , or run a program using the terminal, and other more geeky activities.
There a list of commands that need to be learned, although help is available (usually by typing help)
There are slight variations according to what programs are installed . 'Bash' and 'ash' commands are a basic set of commands that usually come with the puppy.
Also see:

Revision [32088]

Edited on 2018-09-19 12:47:38 by PageStep007
Most of linux was done with these written commands in the past, but fortunately more Gui/ UI/Graphical User interfaces are being used as cosmetic 'front ends' visual controls that operate the written code behind the scenes while being more general-public user friendly.
There are slight variations according to what programs are installed . 'Bash' and 'ash' commands are a basic set of commands that usually come with the puppy.
Also see:
Most of linux was done with these written commands in the past, but fortunately more Gui/ UI/User interfaces are being used as cosmetic 'front ends' visual controls that operate the written code behind the scenes while being more general-public user friendly.
There are slight variations according to what programs are installed . 'Bash' commands are a basic set of commands that usually come with the puppy.

Revision [32087]

Edited on 2018-09-19 12:42:07 by PageStep007 [explination for beginners of what a terminal is.]
The 'Terminal' is also known as the 'Console' 'shell' or command line.
The 'Terminal' is also known as the 'Console' or command line.

Revision [32086]

Edited on 2018-09-19 12:38:28 by PageStep007 [explination for beginners of what a terminal is.]

Revision [32085]

Edited on 2018-09-19 12:37:23 by PageStep007 [explination for beginners of what a terminal is.]

The 'Terminal' is also known as the 'Console' or command line.

It is a text window where commands can be executed with keywords (words that the system knows) ie:commands.
It is a lot like the old DOS in windows. (The command prompt - the letter 'C' in that blank window of the scary internal workings of the operating system where the average person never goes.)

Most of linux was done with these written commands in the past, but fortunately more Gui/ UI/User interfaces are being used as cosmetic 'front ends' visual controls that operate the written code behind the scenes while being more general-public user friendly.

Most of the Puppies have these consoles/terminals. They are needed when you come to compiling a program,or try and find out why a program is not working because it does not have all the dependencies (files that the program depends on) on the system , or run a program using the terminal, and other more geeky activities.

There a list of commands that need to be learned, although help is available (usually by typing help)
There are slight variations according to what programs are installed . 'Bash' commands are a basic set of commands that usually come with the puppy.

Revision [26536]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2013-03-08 07:40:17 by darkcity [explination for beginners of what a terminal is.]
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